Sunday, November 8, 2009

Congrats Notes On Engagement

James Woods

digital graphic artist and photographer, James Woods influenced by a strong passion for everything that is tied to the world of pop-art spirit underground and tries to launch a genre Community nicativo a strong visual impact, to which gives the name "CONTRASTIdi EXPRESSION.

still and quiet landscapes, views of palaces, fantastic environments and characters extravagant in

elusive part, taken almost "by accident", are the subjects that he wanted to fix through

towards the goal in this new exhibition titled "This is San Francisco."

The entries start from the actual real subjects that have intrigued the artist's eye for the loro naturale bellezza e assurda semplicità. 

Successivamente attraverso l’uso del computer e di tecniche di rielaborazione dell’immagine che   agiscono ad un livello cromatico, ne modifica l’aspetto stravolgendone la forma originale mi schiandole ad una linea grafica da lui adottata. 

Il His project aims to enhance the color and brightness of the photograph

to the point of no longer viewed as static image, but to perceive the true "contrast

expressive. "

Here then appear unexpected plays of light, bright colors, bright colors by getting inflamed, forms

and shapes that explode from the background with sudden and contoured soft shadow.

In a word, he expresses the "contrast" to the vision of the subject and tried to look forward

the same emotions he feels about himself in the sense that scenery.

all followed by a video produced by a large video futurist composer, Luca Battiston

(Spa Graphic), which frames the whole exposure. The full ex-works CONTRASTIdi

SIONEsi pose as traveling in one dimension in the balance between dream and reality, between light and shadow,

in the imagination of the viewer is an integral part of the work.


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