Sunday, October 25, 2009

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This time the sergeant has a synergy between two promising young photographers:

Palù Francis (aka Shabby):

He studied architecture at the University of Parma and cultivates long interest in photography and graphic arts . After starting with shots digit ale was "converted" to the car analogy, understood not as a regression but as a starting point for new experiments on color and depth. The themes of his shots are mostly spontaneous and common situations where you came across or abstract concepts.

Giulio Ghirardi (aka Rojer):

E 'primarily a fashion photographer but I also like the personal projects and reports.

Ha partecipato al concorso Celebrate Originality indetto prima dell'estate da "Vice" in collaborazione  con Adidas piazzandosi a meta'  classifica. Il concorso valutava i milgiori 15 creativi italiani nei vari media artistici sotto i 30 anni.

E' stato pubblicato sul numero di ottobre di "Vice Magazine" e sul sito ufficiale di "Dazed and Confused" dove il suo blog e'  stato selezionato  mondialmente tra in 15 migliori di fotografia. In Gennaio uscira'  un suo shooting per "Pig Magazine" e per "Dazed and Confused".

Ha lavorato anche temporaneamente come assistente ma la sua ambizione e'  incominciare a scattare per magazine prestigiosi che gli permettano di girare il mondo facendo quello che gli piace, conoscere persone creative ed interessanti oltre a partecipare a mostre ed esibizioni.

Si occupa anche di collage, un processo che trova molto interessante soprattutto in the act of combining images that express different meanings and reassembly in a common background.

photos that has been collected in the last period with a couple in which 'very affezzionato that the emotions that go back five years ago and have been shooting strictly film. / photos / land_tomo 

Friday, October 9, 2009

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Mister G. Roberto

Eccoci al secondo artista di questa stagione,lieti di presentarvi MISTER G .: mostra di   Street Lettering .

Opening venerdi 16 Ottobre dalle ore 19:00 con LIVE SHOW.

Mister G nasce a Carrara nel 1984.Da sempre appassionato nelle piu’ svariate forme Visual Arts, is deeply influenced by the initial contact with the writing scene in 1998.

discovers a passion for literature that 'to date has followed a path that has seen change the language of communication.

The versatility is a feature that 's more fascinating to experiment as much' as \u200b\u200bpossible, varying techniques and subjects.

Love letters grows exponentially with the first trips to Milan with his unique style in street lettering him to discover a new standard to deal with.

The other major influences stem from punk, to the 'attitude and' freedom of expression away from the scene making traditional.

Obviously the style of self-produced fanzines and posters have a considerable influence, comparable only to that of the world of skateboarding.

prefers the color forms, firstly by simplifying the stretch to try to focus the attention on the study of letters.

The path taken is independent from the influence of transcending time.

Self-taught always never had an 'academic art education, forcing him to fill gaps but only by encouraging experimentation.

In 2007 he founded the collective graphomania of which also includes Miss Gum Mask and expose more and looking for a comparison with other artists and a more 'extended their work by going beyond the purely personal dimension that had had until then.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

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