Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sleep Eze And Anxiety


Neo born blog, begun with the first in a long line of artists who will replace the brand new walls, but now everyone is talking about, via local Vetere: SERGEANT PEPPER'S.
Coz, all we really need this art! Art for the soul, art to exorcise a period not exactly rosy for Italy to return to thinking about art, dowry apparently forgotten in recent times ..

I have the pleasure to introduce Robert Agnelli, first among the artists who Friday, October 2 open the second season of exhibitions at the Sergeant.
Born in Milan 24 January 1976.
His artistic career began in 1994 at the GCV (Varedese Cultural Group) led by Roberto Brunello.
The attraction to drawing and painting metaphysical and surrealist Salvador Dali, Giorgio De Chirico, HR Giger, Rene Magritte and Luis Royo characterize each of his creations.
From his most recent works, it shines through the search for an evolving style that best represents it.

10 to 18 November 2001 Participation in "Limbiarte, exhibition of paintings and sculpture by local artists," Hall Civic Center, Limbiate.
June 24, 2009 implementation of a staff: "Suburbia", an exhibition of paintings at the town hall Limbiate.

untitled no privacy

cover "Suburbia" 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Instalar Booster Emg Pa2

IV Tournament Warhammer 40,000 1 November 2009 Acolytes

Here we are pleased to present the 4th tournament of Warhammer 40000.
This time there will be wonderful news, first of all the missions!
For information of any kind are always available for our mail or the number 3498866286.
Hello All!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Is San Antonio A Safe Place To Live 2010

EARN € 7 for each email - scam? Customer Communications Group

EARN € 7 for each email - FRAUD

more than once I have received an email which read:

"Make Money With Your Email has never been easier

With this system, you're paid instantly!

With this program you gain maximum money in minimum time

This system comes from the U.S. and is currently doing all the rage in France and Germany!
now in ITALY!

This opportunity is still little known in European countries and particularly in Italy!

'simple and workable from all over the world!

Assistance Free "

The system is a scam

Far from it .... the system is a fraud, a scam system very simple.
site bombards you every two writing lines that those who participate in this "program" will receive € 7 (seven € 7) for each mail it receives.

Then, in the end, the only area of \u200b\u200bthe site interact with the user is a Paypal button, where it is required to pay these 7 € to start business.

A pyramid scheme

The system is one of several pyramid schemes on the web, and illegal in Italy, as the gain comes only from the recruitment of new members of the MLM pyramid
Once you have paid € 7, you will not have done nothing but fatten the pockets of the designer of the pyramidal system, or some fessacchiotto that has fallen into the trap before you and try to gather enough spare change around telling tall tales on a business system that does not exist .

The mechanism is very simple: the hapless sucker pay € 7, and then must try to convince other people to pay him € 7. Other people who have paid, will have to draw as many people to whom € 7 and so on.

$ $

$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$
Business Club on "automatically generated" Morris

The site also continues:


's not true!
Think about it: who would send mail (or "Paypal payment) of 7 € each in your favor? And also ... why?
you would do that?
And if ever there sranno 7 € repaid, that means you would be able to FREGATE some what has the bait!

Stay away from these charlatans, quacks and if you happen like that, which might require your email address to "give you more information or help, give them the address of the" fraud Telematics of the Finance Police or police post .... you'll see that the desire to try and pussy rub people! _______________________________

generator automatic gain - yet another scam of the MLM Pyramidal

la truffa del sistema piramidale

Update - Here we go again ... another slogan catch people that says "The only real system that allows you to earn € 50 a day"


The site now proposed is no longer driving "Earn € 7 for each mail received", but the new system "Automatic generator of income." Same
sulfur, there is only one page on the site, which says that there is a system called "automatic gain Generator" to make money as if they were peanuts. It does not explain what it is, but you are asked for € 10 to buy it.

Again the usual pyramid scheme. When you have paid the 10 € a "scam site" all you have to do is try to convir other people to pay € 10 in your favor.
Again this is a MLM - Multi Level Marketing , the famous pyramid handsomely appointed illegal in Italy.

Customize Soccer Cleets


I just got in my inbox the following mail, sent under a false name Bank Group Carige . The Bank Group
Carige not send such messages, and has nothing to do with the sender of this email. The mail is a scam designed to steal personal information that could potentially naive click on the link proposed and enter your username and password. If you receive this kind of messages, delete them, because they are messages sent by the bank to make a profit, but messages sent from crcano common thieves to steal your data and then steal your money (pretending to be the bank), then the purpose is to scam the .
Among other things I'm not even customers of that bank.
Here is the offending mail:

truffa carige

Dear Customer,

Please check last message from your account on-line: / jsp / popupservizi.jsp

This measure is necessary for good service "online"


Bank Carige

Bank Group Carige SpA - Banca Carige SpA - Dep. VAT 03285880104

Updated on 02/09/2009 9:42:13

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wrestling Singlets With Wolf

Dragon Games Day!! Shadow of the Dragon

On 18 October we will be in Modena Games Day!

Mordheim will be our task to present to all participants!

For those interested can call directly GW at the number you see in the poster, send us an e-mail and will be our task to give you all the useful information!

Have fun!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

You're My Cocaine Heroin Alcohol

The Acolytes participate in the tournament of the Dragon 'Shadow of the Dragon with Eberron setting.

The tournament will be held on 20 and 27 September.

For info please contact us either directly to the organizers!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How Much Does It Cost To Reupholster A Bmw

Sprintrade - Make money from turning

Sprintrade is an affiliate program for Italian born monetize your blog or site through the display of banner ads, through which sra can promote profitable advertising campaigns.

Sprintrade is based on the systems of income as the most common

  • Pay Per Click : verrete pagati per ogni click che l'utente effettuerà su determiati messaggi pubblicitari

  • Pay Per Lead : guadagnerete ogni qual volta che un utente si iscriverà ad un programma da voi pubblicizzato, tramite bannero link testuale

  • Pay Per Sale : avrete una percentuale di guadagno sulla vendita di prodotti che sponsorizzerete per il sistema di affiliazione, in questo caso Sprintrade.

Una volta effettuata la registrazione a sprintrade ed ottenuta l’approvazione del vostro sito sarà possibile gestire il sistema attraverso il pannello di controllo fornito da Sprintrade, sia per la scelta dei programmi di guadagno (potrete decidere quali tra le opportunità di guadagno offerte pubblicizzare sul vostro sito), sia per la gestione delle statistiche di guadagno (potrete controllare in ogni momento i vostri dati ed i soldi guadagnati).

Sprintrade offre moltissime soluzioni e programmi per monetizzare il proprio sito. Fra i più comuni e conosciuti vi sono eMule, Live Player, Mondo di Opinioni, Kingolotto, Privalia . Ogni volta che un utente effettuerà un acquisto, scaricherà un programma o semplicemente si iscriverà a qualche sito tramite il banner o link Sprintrade che avrete piazzato sul vosto blog o sito, otterrete una percentuale (in denaro) sull'operazione.

Spintrade How You Make Money?

The gain can vary from € 0.35 / € 3.50 up to Lead / Lead .
For each program we have plenty of banners and textual links that you can incorporate into our site. Graphics and sizes allow you to meet the needs of our sites.

Once Sprintrade States, in order to maximize revenue, the council is to write a post on the theme of the program you choose and pay are promoting, and insert inside the post banners or text links to related 'inclusion of that program.

For example, if you decide to advertise the famous eMule potreste scrivere un articolo su di esso, spiegarne il funzionamento, ed inserire il banner di Spintrade che riconduce al download del programma eMule. Ogni volta che un utente scaricherà il programma si otterranno 35 centesimi di €. Un’ottimo guadagno in soldi, considerando che il programma potrà essere scaricato infinite volte, da infiniti utenti!!

E’ possibile affiancare Sprintrade a Google AdWords sfruttando le pagine dedicate già preparate da Sprintrade. Si tratta di minisiti nei quali vengono racchiusi molti programmi dello stesso settore. Utilizzando AdWords si possono aumentare notevolmente i clienti ed i guadagni.

Modalità di pagamento: PayPal – Bonifico bancario

Sprintrade paying by bank transfer or PayPal once it reaches the quota of 25 € (with withholding tax of 20%). Payments are always processed on the 15th of the month following the attainment of the quota. The payout, if you work well, you can easily reach in 20 days with a medium-sized blog. Clearly we have more visits, more banners related to our site on (contextually relevant to the subject we are dealing with the site), the greater the profits and revenues.
often just a catchy banners like those of eMule to make a lot of lead per day.

Earning with referrals

E’ inoltre disponibile il programma referral dove guadagneremo il 10% degli introiti realizzati dai nostri affiliati di primo livello. Cosa significa? Ogni qual volta presenterete un amico a Sprintrade, ogni qual volta che un utente si iscriverà a Sprintrade tramite il vostro banner, voi guadagnerete il 10% dei guadagni acculati dalla persona che avrà preso parte al circuito sprintrade grazie a voi.
Ciò significa che più persone prenderanno parte a sprintrade grazie alla vostra pubblicità, più farete soldi!

Per iscrivervi a sprintrade, cliccate sul banner sottostante.