Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prostatius 20 Year Old

Registrati gratuitamente a PayPal e comincia subito ad accettare pagamenti con carta di credito.

How does it work? Money PayPal

For those unfamiliar with PayPal: is a service that, after free registration, allows you to send money to all persons who have an email address and are in turn registered to the PayPal site. The service not only allows you to send pagamente, but also receive them.

For example, if you're an eBay member who is selling something to someone, you can offer your customers the chance to pay you via your PayPal account simply fornedo him your email address. A safe, simple and immediate.

PayPal is also useful to get the money you Accumulative thanks to all the tools to gain online that describes this site as payperuse.eu , ptrannunci.eu, MYHPF and many others.

PayPal per guadagnare euro

Ma PayPal non è uno strumento utile solo per inviare e ricevere pagamenti, bensi per gudagnare .
Paypal infatti offre un programma di "refferals", ovvero, per ogni nuovo utente che "presenterete" a PayPal, per ogni persona che si iscriverà a PayPal grazie a voi e che aprira un conto Premier o Business , PayPal riconoscerà a voi una percentuale in denaro chiamata " Bonus di presentazione ".
Io ho un conto Premier.

Come potete vedere dall'immagine, nell'ultimo mese ho ricevuto già 2 bonus di presentaione, che PayPal mi ha accreditato sul conto e notificato via email con il seguente messaggio:
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Thanks for presenting a company to PayPal. You have just received a Merchant Referral Bonus on your PayPal account. Please note that whenever there is someone you submitted to a Premier or Business PayPal account you can earn a Merchant Referral Bonus

How to submit a new PayPal users / dealers?
easy! Once there you will be registered, login to your new account, taken refferls your code and paste it on your site or blog, advertising revenue opportunities this, just like I did.
If you can not find your code referrals, or code to display the banner, once made the registration and login into your account, write in the internal search engine to pay pal the word "Bonus" means the first search result will be the section that interests you . Good earnings!
Paypal.it, servizio per inviare e ricevere pagamenti.


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