Monday, December 20, 2010

Generate Cod Flight Simulator

The Photo Club Lario Malgrate
wishes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011
to all friends.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mcdonalds Sausage Biscuit, Calories?


Hello guys! soon there will be a year-end dinner!

stay tuned!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Please Share Favorite Recipee With Bride To Be

Mattia Arioli Exposed

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Vernissage dalle 19.30

Mass Portraits è il catalogo fotografico delle persone presenti agli eventi che la società contemporanea sceglie come rituali collettivi. Una galleria di ritratti, foto scattate durante i ritrovi di massa, le rassegne musicali, gli incontri politici e religiosi.

I due giovani fotografi emergenti Mattia Arioli e Alessandro Esposto ideatori del progetto fotografico Ariospo Project, hanno iniziato un percorso artistico, un progetto, che nasce per proseguire nel tempo, di mese in mese, di manifestazione in manifestazione, sino a plasmare un’'enciclopedia inesauribile di ritratti.

E' stato pubblicato anche un libro che è un’'anteprima, il supporto accidentale ad un’'idea infinita, ripetitiva e sempre nuova, in cui la ricerca dell’'identità individuale diventa salvaguardia dei valori comuni.

Ritratti da valutare nelle loro qualità fotografiche, una miriade di visi da osservare con curiosità e partecipazione. Per imparare a guardarsi allo specchio con occhi più attenti.


Mattia Arioli adora tutto quel che sappia scrivere con la luce. Attualmente lavora come fotografo freelance per la moda e il design, approfondendo attraverso ricerche personali l’interesse per la ritrattistica. Grazie alla sua professione riesce a soddisfare la passione per i viaggi, raggiungendo mete come Parigi, New York e Londra. In queste città ha fotografato importanti eventi di moda e design per studi fotografici che pubblicano su importanti testate nazionali e internazionali.

Alessandro Esposto nasce nel 1984 a Secugnago, un paesino nella campagna lodigiana. La fotografia è apparsa nella sua vita durante il liceo e lo ha portato a frequentare la scuola Riccardo Bauer di Milano, dove ha conosciuto Mattia Arioli. Dopo il diploma ha collaborato per diversi studi di moda milanesi ed attualmente lavora per la Rino Carraro Fine Art. Affascinato dalla diapositiva, has recently taken the road of developing digital media projects at the level.


Publish Photo Book 'Mass Portraits', published by Editions Airlines Infinite

Presentation at Aula Magna Alessandro Verri, Lodi

Participation Festival Photos 'Matières Sensibles', Lille - France

Pomezia An exhibition at the gallery, Milan

authors reported in the 2009 edition of Creative Quality Award in Professional Photography Tau Visual

Exhibition at the Art Gallery stores, Cream

photo-exhibition and performance during Notte Bianca at Galleria 2010 Oldrado da Ponte, Lodi

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kamenstein Replacement Spice Jar


Mistaken Identity Rape

Program Coming in December 2010

Thursday, 2002 at 21.00 evening dedicated to cultural exchanges with other groups: guest the Group Self-timer Photo Appiano Gentile (CO), with a photo exhibition "CLICK AND PORTRAITS. Thursday, 2009 at 21.00 Meet the author: guest Nino Lozza with the photographic work "That branch of Lake Como." Tuesday 14 at 21.00 evening dedicated to cultural exchanges with other associations, we are guests at the Club Photos & RESEARCH PROPOSAL of Dolzago (LC) with our audiovisual. Thursday 16 at 19.45 DINNER. Members who wish to participate are asked to give the membership by December 9.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wedding Message From Me To Me Friend

winter closure of the business!

Hello guys!

from 1 December, the Association for Acolytes of the Dragon does not hold events until 1 February 2011.

remains open every Sunday evening, where bringing your army and your nuts can play a role warhammer or all together!

Also at The Magic Shop you can participate in campaigns and events!

contact us for info!

Manu & Ale

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Milena Velba Freya Bra

Emme Lu

With the eyes of Alice

discover a new world, just as seen through the eyes of a child.


THURSDAY November 11, 2010


Traveling between the framework and Artwork: Alice falls into the garden, then in the street and around the world and discovers the reality, and transforms lives. His eyes and his heart are free to learn.

... maybe it's all here: the need to express themselves, and look, something that becomes indispensable instinct to paint, draw, model, re-create reality by passing it through themselves, let it permeate your eyes come out new, different, or rather more unreal real.

I can not help but interpret the painting to life and to be myself, Alice was my first character-drawing and has become a valuable guide!

watercolor, oil, acrylic and more and more the synergy of different techniques, in the name of freedom.

Cuttin Louise, was born in Desio in 1974. Historical training in 2006 in France follows a Ph.D. in Medieval History (Paris). He begins following the artistic path, forming as a painter in Milan at the School of the instigators of the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera and as an illustrator, especially for children from the International School of Sarmede, under the guidance of Svjetlan Junakovic and by Jindra Čapek. Since 2006, he participated in several competitions and exhibitions, solo and group, between Milan, Verona, San Remo, Rome and other Italian cities. He lives and works in Besana in Brianza, where he has his art studio and where he teaches courses and workshops in drawing and painting for children and adults.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cost To Fill One Cavity

Program Coming in November 2010

Tuesday, 2002 at 20.45 Preparation of Duilio Costa photography exhibition at the Sala del Camino. Thursday, 2004 at 21:00 Inauguration of photo exhibition by Duilio Costa "The path of the wayfarer" at the Sala del Camino in Malgrate Via Reina 1. Thursday 11 at 21.00 Meet the author: guest Massimo Mazzucotelli with audiovisual projections. 13 hours Saturday 11.00 Award photo contest "Water: source of life" at the Foundation House of Civate of the blind (LC). The exhibition continues on 13, 14, 20, 21 November 2010 from 10.00 to 18.00. In the same day at 15.00 is expected to tour the site of the frescoes in the crypt of San Calogero. Thursday 18 at 21.00 resumes after a long pause, the traditional "Internal Competition" which commits all members to lead No. 4 Digital Photo Theme libero.

Sabato 20 ore 17,00
Inaugurazione e premiazione del concorso fotografico fotografico "BUIO E LUCE" dedicato a Caravaggio con la partecipazione dei circoli fotografici. La mostra è organizzata dal Gruppo Fotografico Costaphoto01, presso la biblioteca Confalonieri di Costamasnaga e resterà aperta fino al 5 dicembre 2010.

Giovedì 25 ore 21,00
Serata dedicata agli scambi culturali con altre associazioni:
Ospite Il Circolo Fotografico DON PRIMO MAZZOLARI di Vedano al Lambro (MB), con proiezioni di audiovisivi.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Health Impacts Of Hot Cheetos

Julia Merlini

'October 26, 2010, from 20:00 am


I'm nineteen years old and I have always held in camera.

My idea.
I have not my personal style and not I want it for now.
Photographer everything and in all the ways to test and when I'm older ... who knows.
Well, today I am decidedly and deliberately off-topic, in the sense that my images
not have a common thread.
For the same reason I only do "pure photos, no Photoshop, no trick, but only what it is.

my equipment.
a Canon EOS 450 and just one goal 18-55, waiting to see if "merit more."

My experiences.
graduating from high school Artistico di Brera in Milan, where I now assistant courses
graphic design. I attend the first year of photography at IED, European Institute of Design.
I did, just for fun (...) to show photos of Victor and Victoria, always for fun (...) I have photographed numerous evenings, for example, 'Till Death Do Us Part y!
PS: The three dots mean "without compensation" (...)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Where's Gay Gathering In Abu Dhabi

Inaugurazione della mostra giovedì 4 novembre ore 21.00 ,
presso la Sala del Camino, Malgrate Via Reina 1.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Printable Cricket Bats

VIII tournament Warhammer 40,000

here's the list:

thank you all!!

the next, see you in 2011!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hiv Rapid Test Accuracy After Six Month


canvas + videos + merchandise

FROM 7 TO 23 October @ STG. PEPPER'S via Vetere 9 - Milan

opening: Thursday, October 7 at 19:00

An event in collaboration with the local Stg.Pepper 's. Presented to the public
original works by four artists from the underground scene in Milan that range from graphics to painting through video art. During the opening and throughout the exhibition period you can buy items of merchandise.

Robert Goodman
Diploma in Graphic Art at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, artist and graphic designer freelancer who lives and works in Milan: fluorescent colors, moleskine, graphic experiments, mutilation, emotional insights, philosophy monster, voodoo graphics and studio image are its focal points. site:

Karati Roberto Sofi alias "Karati" was born in 1982 in Milan. His illustrations are born from the need to express disappointment habits and the daily life of modern societies. other times draws its inspiration from a purely aesthetic things. "Happy transition" is il suo mondo. sito:

Nasce a Milano nel 1982 , diplomato in Grafica d'arte presso l'Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera ,negli anni sviluppa un alfabeto composto da forme e particolari utilizzando in egual modo la città e la tela come ambiente. sito :

Studente di Grafica d’arte presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, lavora e vive a Milano come creativo e grafico. Particolarmente related to the issue of non-coexistence of man with where they live, try cleaning the sign and the simplicity of the gesture forms of expression of its language. site:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Sekai Igrica Naruto I Sakura

Month of October Month of September

Giovedi 07 ore 21.00

1° serata di proiezione di audiovisivi presso la Sala Convegni della Banca Popolare di Sonodrio in Corso Martire a Lecco con la partecipazione di vari Fotoclub della Provincia di Lecco.
Le serate sono organizzate dal Fotoclublecco.
Ritrovo direttamente sul posto.

Giovedì 14 ore 21.00

2° serata di proiezione di audiovisivi presso la Sala Convegni della Banca Popolare di Sondrio in Corso Martire in Lecco with the participation of various Fotoclub of the Province of Lecco. Meeting on the spot. Thursday 21 at 21.00 the 3rd evening of audio-visual projection at the Congress Hall of Banca Popolare di Sondrio in Course Martyr in Lecco with the participation of various Fotoclub of the Province of Lecco. Meeting on site Thursday 28 at 21.00 4 ° evening of audio-visual projection at the Congress Hall of Banca Popolare di Sondrio in Course Martyr in Lecco with the participation of the various Fotoclub Province of Lecco. Final evening, host Walter Turcato. Meeting on site.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

U Haul Van Fit Queen Bed

Saturday 25 15:00 Start "IMMAGIMONDO" center in Lecco, until October 10. Festival travel, places and cultures. Thursday 30 21.00 Opening Fotoclub after the summer break: Presentation "PHOTOBOARD" take photos of Caravaggio, collect photos of the show in June, the new proposals for the new year.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Late Period Arrival And Sore Breasts

Gira the photo

E 'in preparation for the photographic event that involves all the photographic associations of the Province Lecco " TURN THE PHOTO". Can participate this year, other photographic associations from the provinces of Monza Brianza, Como. For information: antonio.daura @
The poster of 2009

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ct Stonogram Preparations

Irene Corti

Save the date, Thursday, September 16, 2010

openings from 19.00


Courts Irene was born on 13.10.1986 in Merate

In 2005 he obtained a Diploma of Art and graduated in 2008 in New Technologies for the Arts at the Academy di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan.

age of sixteen he began his interest in the video, realizes "Self-destruction" that marks the beginning of his artistic research aims to give their own perceptions of reality influenced by its personal experiences and eating problems, leading the viewer to reflect on issues often ignored and used as media propaganda.

This research is spread horizontally through the various means of expression available to the artist, such as video, photography, sculpture and graphics.

Since 2007, prefers the painting as a means of expression.

The main theme is the relationship with his own body, the obsession with food, the looks and the judgments of others, hidden in seemingly colorful and lively works that symbolize the outward appearance of people and often do not coincide with the deep unease.

The graphic style is used to create a world of "talking heads" no body that in reality will be canceled for an aesthetic purpose ill.

In recent works in this style alive on the canvas along with a realistic figurative style.

"The artist sees every day, that that many refuse to face "

J. Prévert

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Will I Get A W2 From Disability In California

November 14, 2010 New events in the Association by September!!




After a busy summer, here are the events of Sunday evening:

- PATHFINDER (free play and organized!)

- Munchkin

- D & D 3.5

- Call of Cthulhu

- Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000

- the Vampires Requiem

Want to take a game? take it we will play well together!

Acolytes Dragon
Verbania, Via Vittorio Veneto 141

All for free, just bring yourself!

Remember to advise us if you want to come! ;)

PS: For events Magic :

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cruising Spots In Bloemfontein

Photos Tournament Games Academy Milan June 27, 2010

here is a bit Photos!

from the bottom to the chronological order correct!

end the first part!